How did we get here? How did Castle Gym Nottingham lose its home? Why did we choose this new venue?
There have been many questions from the community for Luke to answer regarding the loss of Castle Gym Nottingham.
Here is our journey so far…
In January 2020, Luke received a notice from the council that the building on Castle Boulevard had been put up for sale.
We looked to try and raise some funds to purchase it to secure our position within the building that Castle Gym has occupied for over 40 years. Unfortunately, we were outbid and were therefore unsuccessful in securing the gym’s home.

However, we were then delighted to find out that the new owner of the building had spoken quite prominently in the tender process about Castle Gym and our link to Nottingham. They hinted towards supporting the gym and were looking into a future business relationship.
A few months later they decided to serve us notice and asked us to leave the building. This resulted in us having a massive decision to make from there. We had two choices: to relocate or to close the business doors.
“Personally I can’t let this happen. I could not let such a pillar of Nottingham and the community shut down. The impact and hole it would leave would not be comprehendible.”
(Luke Willmott)
After some in-depth searching, several buildings were looked at and considered to be the new home of Castle Gym. With historical aspirations and ambitions for Castle Gym to become an even better facility and to be one of the largest, true, independent gyms left in the country, Luke decided to put plans in place to grow and expand whilst also saving the gym from closure.
We have designed a new, highly achievable strategy that would see Castle Gym move into a building that was once occupied for the community and the people of Nottingham as the tales of Robin Hood. We can see no better place for our new home.
Turning this empty, unused, derelict premises into our new home for another 40 years, and more, of Castle Gym history, would bring great improvements to the city of Nottingham. Whilst it would be a new gym it will still capture and hold dear all the foundations and battle scars from our heritage and we will be proud to continue helping the local community.
Follow our journey by pre-registering today.